Festival de Cultures Urbaines

Created by Mathias CASSEL (aka Rockin’ Squat) and Freddy VITORINO in 2014, the PLANETA GINGA Festival is a free Franco-Brazilian project that travels to the heart of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro each year.

Its aim is to increase public awareness of different forms of art and creative leisure through educational workshops: Plastic arts, cinema, photography, graffiti, reading and urban agriculture.

These workshops are overseen by professionals, with work done during this period unveiled to local and international visitors.

This festival also attracts international artists and offers free film screenings and concerts to a large audience.

In December 2018, Abbey of Design partnered with the festival to create a public space within the PPG (Cantagalo-Pavão-Pavãozinho) community, between Copacabana and Ipanema. This space has now been rehabilitated and is used to host introductions to urban agriculture, graff and other disciplines.